PRTools Updates
January 25, 2012
- Version 4.2.4, bug fixes and beautifications
- redesing of batch processing of mappings (
command) - full set of dyadic operations for datasets, datafiles and mappings
: mapping finding the second output parameter of other mappings- internal names of classifiers upgraded
There is a post discussing on all recent updates
November 26, 2012
- Version 4.2.3, just minor bugs fixes and beautifications
- PRTools is now distributed by 37 Steps
September 15, 2012
- Version 4.2.2
- New classifier:
, Verzakov Tree -Decision Tree Classifier - New classifier:
, Breiman’s Random Forest - Programming tools added enabling a more simple definition of mappings and classifiers:
. For an example seerandomforestc
- Routine added for changing PRTools global variables:
- Handling of doubles in mappings: where possible mappings will accept arrays of doubles instead of datasets without internal conversion to a dataset. In such cases outputs will be an array of doubles as well
- New routine for class selection:
. This routine is especially useful for multi-labeled data as it may select a class defined by another label list than the actual one. For such usage it is much more user friendly thanseldat
September 3, 2011
version 4.2.1, this version is identical to 4.2.0, except that p-codes are generated by Matlab 7.11 instead of Matlab 6.5.
Please inform us when old p-codes are still needed.
August 26, 2011
version 4.2.0 (wrong Contents file, later corrected)
better, extended, soft label implementation
‘bag of objects’ classification (bagc)
some missing value handling (misval)
standard PRTools datasets are downloaded when needed (prdatasets)
standard PRTools datafiles are downloaded when needed (prdatafiles)
- minor changes and bug fixes
December 12, 2010
version 4.1.12
many minor bugs are solved
June 25, 2010
- version 4.1.10
- option for density preserving data splitting added to crossval, thanks to Budka and Gabrys
- new classifier drbmc: Discriminative Restricted Boltzmann Machine, thanks to Laurens van der Maaten
- small changes in traincc and wvotec
June 1, 2010
- version 4.1.9
- bug in wvotec fixed
- libsvc and nulibsvc added (expects libsvm package)
May 3, 2010
- bug in indexing datasets fixed
April 2010
- vpc, voting perceprton classifier implemented by Laurens van der Maaten.
- prarff, import of WEKA ARFF files available.
March 2010
- communication with users improved by the command prtools, generating a web interface.
February 2010
- prwaitbar usage simplified by implementation of prwaitbarinit, prwaitbaronce and prwaitbarnext
July 2009
- featselv implemented
March 2009
- dcsc (dynamic classifier selection) and modelsc added as combining classifiers.
January 2009
- naivebcc and mlrc: new trainable combiners implemented by Chunxia Zhang.
- loso, leave-one-set out crossvalidation implemented.
- testc now accepts missing classes in case of undefined (empty) priors.
- im_patch for generation of image patches implemented in datafiles
- band2obj and bandsel for handling image bands implemented in datafiles
- 1-d images (time signals) are now accepted for datafiles, patches and bands
August 2008
- im_dbr constructed: GUI to illustrate PRTools usage for image database retrieval.
July 2008
- prwaitbar implemented and included in many routines.
- ident field in dataset reorganised to avoid overhead.
- createdatafile implemented to support saving partially constructed datafiles.
June 2008
- adaboostc added
August 2007
- A set of regression routines added by David Tax: linearr, ridger, lassor, svmr, ksmoothr, knnr, pinvr, plsr, plsm, testr, rsquared
June 2007
- performance measures for testc extended.
- automatic parameter optimisation implemented for many routines by regoptc.
- rbsvc, automatic radial basis support vector classifier, implemented.
- rsscc, random subspace combining classifier implemented.
May 2007
- naivebc extended: allows now also densitites estimated by parzenm and gaussm.
- soft output nmc improved: now based and spherical Gaussian densities.
- many image preprocessing routines implemented for datafiles, e.g. im_bdilation, im_gaussf,im_minf,im_skel, im_berosion, im_gray,im_moments, im_skel_meas, im_box,im_harris,im_norm,im_stat, im_bpropagation, im_hist_equalize, im_stretch, im_center, im_invert, im_profile, im_threshold, im_label, im_resize, im_unif, im_fft,im_maxf, im_rotate, im_fill_norm, im_mean, im_scale, im_gauss, im_measure, im_select_blob.
April 2007
- normal_map (used in ldc,qdc,udc) now stores inverted covariances: slower training, faster execution.
- gaussm and mogc improved: increased stability by adding noise, more trials, better regularisation.
March 2007
- Datafiles ready for usuage. Consequence is that as feature sizes of datafiles cannot be set appropriately, also mappings should allow for unset feature size (featsize = 0). Still much debugging to be done.
December 2006
- PRMEMORY, PRTRACE, GRIDSIZE, etc are made persistent instead of global
- plotr renamed into plote.
- general kernel option implemented for svc and nusvc
November 2006
- testauc (area under the curve) added.
- testc upgraded.
September 2006
- implementation of the multiple labeling, see multi-labeling.
- structure implementation for user and ident field of dataset.
March 2006
- intial implementation of the datafile class.
October 2005
- combining superfluous prwarning calls.
- bhatm, Bhattacharryya feature reduction implemented
April 2005
- labcmp added, useful for comparing label sets.
January 2005
- change of policy for prwarning levels: by default just print level 1 warnings.
- upgrade warning level for use of class frequencies in case of empty priors.
December 2004
- parzendc, parzen_map, nmc, allowing soft labels
- plotr (later plote), allow cells of error structures
October 2004
- nusvc_nu added
September 2004
- gaussm and emclust: get right number of components
- gaussm and emclust: improved soft label handling
- plotr (later plote): mulitple error curves implemented
- scalem, variance option corrected
August 2004
- output of confmat and testc upgraded by disperror.
- proxm extended.
June 2004
- fdsc, feature based dissimilarity space classifier implemented.
May 2004
- ploto, one-dimensional plot of features, added.
- immoments, conversion of object images to moments, added.
- crossvalidation in feature selection routines implemented.